Health and Medical Care

We have several local pharmacies and doctors and various hospitals in our surrounding (Ludwigshafen, Frankenthal, Grünstadt).

If you're ill, please follow the following steps:

  1. Get a treatment certificate in the town hall of Maxdorf (Herr Petruch Tel.: 06237 - 401129, Room 11 at the Rathaus)
  2. Make an appointment at the doctor. Either
    a) you are calling the doctor -OR-
    b) Frau Matheis makes the appointment for you -OR-
    c) your mentor makes the appointment for you.
  3. Go to the doctor. Please be in time!

Do you need hygiene products?
You will probably get them in the pharmacies or in the DM drugstore in Maxdorf. Depending on what you're looking for, you will eventually get it also in the supermarkets / discounters.

Any questions?
Please contact your mentor. He can provide you with further information.